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TCA Clarion Model 80/81 Console Radio, circa 1931

109 Main Street
Trenton, Nebraska
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Posted 5 days, 2 hours ago
Expires in 1 day, 21 hours
2,772 Clicks


This old radio was stored in the basement, and is in fairly good condition.  Electronics are original, as far as I can tell - not about to try and plug it in, for fear of damaging any of the original parts.  Spindle legs need some work, but cabinet is otherwise in good condition - grill and fabric for speaker cover is intact, interior labels identifying make/model/serial numbers are complete, clean and legible.  You can look at an original catalog page here:   http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/transforme_81.html

Located in Trenton, NE.    Make Offer.

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