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LOST – PET BLACK CAT - CODY (In Smith Center, Kansas)

Smith Center, Kansas
Posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Expires in 0 minutes
7,903 Clicks



Pet Name:  CODY

Species:  Cat  (Has a HomeAgain Microchip Implant for Identity)

Breed:  Domestic Medium Hair (DMH) (not Short or Long Hair)  (Not a Purebred.)

Sex: Male (Neutered)

Weight:  13 - 15 Lbs. on 5/28/2018

Birth Date:  07/03/2013 (Age 5 years)

Primary Color:  Black (solid black with 3-5 black-on-black tiger stripes down back of neck; black spots Inside mouth)

Secondary Color: None, but has 1-2 white hairs under chin; has 3-5 white hairs inside each ear; has 1 white hair on side (Left ??), and one white hair on hip (same side).

Eye Color:  Bright Emerald Green

Claws:  Has Claws all 4 Paws.  (Front Paw Pads have stretched skin from previously having “Pillow Paws” from suspected food allergies.)

Health Issues:  Takes L-Lysine powder for Feline Herpes (immune deficiency); Takes special diet (Royal Canin Vet Diet Protein PR Rabbit Dry Food) for Pillow Paws; Takes nutritional supplements (including Renal K) for kidney issues from taking Prednisolone (steroid) too long for Pillow Paws.

Lost Date:  Monday, 5/28/2018, evening, (got spooked and pulled out of collar/leash) while visiting from Chicago.

Lost Location:  Around the 814 to 821 E. Court Street area. NOTE: He's an indoor kitty with some health issues.

Last “Suspected” Sighting:  Monday, 6/11/2018, evening, around the VFW parking lot and over to Jiffy Burger’s park & pond area.

Characteristics: Cody is normally an indoor-only kitty, who goes outside only on a leash with owner/s.  He is extremely skittish and usually only comes to his name (Cody) by owner’s voice, which he is no longer doing due to being traumatized.

Contact:  If seen, please contact owner:  Marsha

Owner temporarily staying in Smith Center, but will be returning to Chicago area soon. Owner/s would return for him if Vet ID’s him through scanning his Microchip.

Reward upon return of Cody.

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