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Service Person I - Public Lands

1209 Williams, PO Box 1168
Great Bend, Kansas
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Posted 1 hour, 31 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 22 hours
4,026 Clicks


Job Summary: 

Under the direction of the Park Supervisor, performs a variety of skilled and semi-skilled duties related to the general care and maintenance of City park facilities.  This position is FLSA non-exempt. 

Job Duties and Responsibilities:

Under the direction of the Park Supervisor, performs a variety of skilled and semi-skilled duties related to the general care and maintenance of City park facilities.


Requires a high school diploma or equivalent.  At least one year of experience in construction, maintenance work, and general grounds maintenance is preferred. Some computer experience is necessary.

 Working Conditions:

Work is primarily outside.  Work is occasionally heavy and may involve physical activity such as lifting, pulling, pushing, carrying, and involves handling, seeing, hearing, listening, and talking. May involve after-hour calls and exposure to noise and to extreme weather conditions.

Interested applicants may apply at: www.greatbendks.net

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