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Macromatic Time Delay Relay

3405 300th Ave
Saint Edward, Nebraska
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Posted 2 days, 14 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 9 hours
4,615 Clicks


Macromatic Time Delay Relay RT26A-22 Timing 0.1-10 Minute

Used in Tower Stall Boxes

Call me at 308-391-1214 or 806-414-5166

Disclaimer: This part is not manufactured by Valley, Lindsay/Zimmatic, Reinke, Pierce, Olson or Lockwood and is not certified by Valley, Lindsay/Zimmatic, Reinke, Pierce, Olson or Lockwood. DirectPivotParts is an independent parts supplier and is not affiliated with Valley, Lindsay/Zimmatic, Reinke, Pierce, Olson or Lockwood.

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