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Seat Concepts Lowered Seat for Suzuki DR650 Like New

Decatur County
Oberlin, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 15 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 8 hours
5,184 Clicks


Seat Concepts Lowered Seat For a Suzuki DR650. Like new. Hardly used. Text me if you want it at 7854seven57three9O. Evenings are best. I don't answer my phone during the day, ... or most any other time either. So don't call me, ... Just text me. Or you can message me through here if you want to. 

Price a new one before you give me a lowball offer.  

Cash Only, In Person. 

No shipping.  


If you live in Pakistan, ... Go stick your head in a toilet till your chin is under water and breath in. 

I said "NO SCAMMERS" and I meant it. 




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