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#881 Spanish Translator/Interpreter- District Wide

Hays, Kansas
Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,627 Clicks
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Qualifications:  Must have a high school diploma or equivalency. Must be bilingual and able to translate oral and/or written communications as needed.


Starting salary:         $17.25 per hour – AS NEEDED


Beginning date:       Open until filled 


To Make Application, apply online:



Position contacts:

Gabriela Schmidt, gschmidt@usd489.com

Unified School District No. 489

323 West 12th St.

Hays, Kansas 67601

(785) 623-2400 


Spanish Translator Job Description


Purpose: The translator assists various staff members and families with oral and/or written communications on an “as needed” basis.


Responsible to: Districtwide




1.      Must be at least 18 years of age.

2.      Must have high school diploma or equivalency. Bilingual required.

3.      Must have self-confidence and maturity.

4.      Must have the ability to communicate and work effectively and cooperatively with others.

5.      Must have computer skills.

6.      Must be responsible and dependable.

7.      Must maintain confidentiality.


Essential Job Function:

1. Translate for families and staff members for various school-related events.



1.      The employee shall remain free of any alcohol or non-prescribed controlled substance abuse in the workplace throughout his/her employment in the district.

2.      The employee shall not smoke on school grounds or in district vehicles at any time.


Term of Employment:

1.      At will.

2.      Selected candidate must pass background check.

3.      Selected candidate must provide health and inoculation certificate.



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