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Multi species Farm fresh eggs for sale.

Larned, Kansas
Posted 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Expires in 0 minutes
3,326 Clicks


Currently we have chicken eggs for consuming at $2.50 a dozen for eating and $5.50 a dozen fertile hatching. Pekin duck eggs for consuming  $5.75 a dozen for eating and $12.00 a dozen for hatching. We also can offer muscovy duck eggs for hatching at $ 20.00 a dozen for hatching or $8.00 a dozen to eat. We have fertile african geese eggs for $2.75 an egg. We have fertile guinea fowl eggs for $16 a dozen. We have blue slate turkey and black spanish turkey eggs at $60.00 a dozen fertile hatching or $30.00 a dozen eating. We can also offer to incubate your first flock for you if you like. We always appreciate your business. Contact Damien at six2zero-4onenine-five0seventhree. 

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