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vintage trucks

rt2 box 110
Balko, Oklahoma
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Posted 4 days, 4 hours ago
Expires in 2 days, 19 hours
7,152 Clicks



1 1972 KENWORTJH  925, ntc 290 cummiums, 10 speed, 20'3" box & hoist 7500

2 1947 CHEV TRUCK, wrecker bed with winch and gin poles, 6 cyl, 4sp, $5000

3 1958 army dodge 4x4 m37 5000    4 1961chev viking v8, 4 sp bed & hoist , no rust, needs a new home has torqursin bar front suspension, rides good 806 681 5532 or 580 361 2265  5 1972 mack,mack engine,10 sp,camel back 5.000.00  6 1999 diamond reo 250 cumnins, 10 sp, camel back suspion,20' bed and hoist 10,000.00 

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