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1922 - 1927 FORD TRUCKS

Westville, Indiana
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Posted 2 days, 16 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 7 hours
1,239 Clicks


*WANTED*   1922 - 1927 Ford Model T metal cab truck in original condition.  Not interested in restored or show vehicles.  Send pictures, location and price.



rat rod, street rod, hot rod, iso, vintage, 1921, antique, 1922, old truck, 1923, lawn ornament, 1294, project, 1925, model t, 1926, tanker, 1927 dump truck, flatbed, stake body, jd, garage sale, yard sale, platform, tow truck, wrecker, can-chassis, grainbox, quonset hut, pole barn combine, pole building, john deere, international, case, cat, caterpillar, tractor, plow, sunflower, beans, corn, butler, feed, seed, ford, a, and, the, truck, or car, cell phone, cell phone charger.


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