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I'm looking for round bales of Brome or CRP

Rush Center, Kansas
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Posted 4 days, 23 hours ago
Expires in 2 days
5,595 Clicks


I am looking for some CRP or Brome round bales or big square bales of hay like I'm after 10 or 12 round or 5 or 6 big square bales I'm in need of hay like asap so please help please message me on here and I will get back with you and I will need to have it delivered to me or I can come and pick them up if close to home here in Kansas. Please as or right now I'm not looking for ditch bales or crab grass bales. I am feeding two horses and no I'm not looking to get semi loads of hay I don't have that kind of money I'm not a big time cattle ranch


Please send me pictures of what you have to my email here is my email address djgowdy15@gmail.com thanks in advance

Picture is just to put on the add so it has a picture on it thanks 

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