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Great Bend, Kansas
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Posted 5 days, 19 hours ago
Expires in 1 day, 4 hours
4,832 Clicks


PMC .223 55 Grain FMJ - BT, brass cased, 1,000 round case (50 boxes of 20 rounds each),  new lower price - 440.00

CCI Blazer Brass 9MM, 124 Grain, FMJ, brass cased, 1,000 rounds (20 boxes of 50 rounds each), 260.00  

PMC Bronze 9MM, 115 Grain, FMJ, brass cased, 1,000 rounds (20 boxes of 50 rounds each), new lower price - 250.00

PMC 5.56 62 Grain, M855, FMJ, brass cased, Green Tip, LAP, 1,000 round case (50 boxes of 20 rounds each), new lower price - 470.00

Winchester 5.56 55 Grain, M193, FMJ-BT, brass cased, 1,000 round case (50 boxes of 20 rounds each), new lower price -  450.00

Hornady .17 HMR 17 Grain V-Max, 2,550 FPS, 500 round brick (10 boxes of 50 rounds each), 170.00

MagTech .22 LR, 40 grain, lead round nose, 5,000 round case (100 boxes of 50 rounds each), 300.00 - 6 cents per round  SOLD

PMC Bronze .45 Auto ACP, 230 grain, FMJ, brass cased, 1,000 rounds (20 boxes of 50 rounds each), new lower price - 420.00

Hornady V-Max .22 Magnum WMR, red polymer tip, 30 grain, 500 round brick (10 boxes of 50 rounds each), 155.00

I will NOT "piece" this ammo out, or sell it by the box.  Case lots of 500, 1,000, or 5,000 rounds only (as applicable).

All ammo is factory fresh, new production. Prices are "out the door", no add-ons, cash ONLY, no trades, message if interested.

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