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Mk12 Mod Holland Ar15 5.56 Spr/Dmr Rifle

Garden City, Kansas
Posted 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,211 Clicks


Pri gen3 fde handguard

Pri fde Recce rail

Pri fde bottom rail

Pri gas block w/ gas tube

Pri gas buster charging handle

Pri front/rear flip up sights

Pri sling adapter

Colt keyhole upper reciever

H&R lower reciever 

Magpul fde handstop 

White Oak Armament 16” spr 5.56 barrel

Ops Inc 12 collar w/ brake

Colt "C marked" bolt carrier group

Doublestar Ace socom stock

Geissle ssa-e trigger 

Harris Brms S-BRM bipod w/ KMW pod lok

Arms #17 bipod mount

Lightly used

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