Job Opening - Medical Clinic Manager

1210 N Washington
Plainville, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 22 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 1 hour
1,310 Clicks


Rooks County Health Center Clinic is accepting applications for a dedicated and experienced Clinic Manager to join our team. College degree or equivalent work experience is required. The Clinic Manager will be responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the clinic by handling both medical and administrative tasks, including supervision and development of our patient-care teams. Candidate must be able to communicate effectively and able to lead and motivate a team with knowledge and confidence. RCH offers a comprehensive benefits package along with an energetic, friendly team.

Must pass a POET, physical and drug screen test.

If interested, send resume and application to:
Rooks County Health Center
Attn: Heather Rinehart, HR Director
PO Box 389
Plainville, KS 67663
Phone:  785-688-4431
Fax:  785-434-2434

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