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Help Wanted - City of WaKeeney

408 Russell Avenue
WaKeeney, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 4 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 19 hours
2,095 Clicks


The City of WaKeeney is accepting applications for the position of Maintenance Worker I.  This opening is a full-time position for an individual in our Public Works Department.  Paid single group health and dental insurance, KPERS retirement benefits, sick, vacation & holiday pay benefits provided.  Pre-employment drug screening, physical, and valid Kansas driver’s license are required.  NEW HIGHER STARTING WAGE! Applications and a job description can be picked up and returned to City Hall, 408 Russell Ave., WaKeeney, KS  67672 (785) 743-5791 from 8AM to 5PM Monday – Friday.  Position considered open until filled. EOE


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