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Oil Industry. Service Equipment-HAMMERSCHMIDT FISHING TOOLS

Plainville, Kansas
Posted 1 week, 1 day ago
Expires in 0 minutes
738 Clicks


   Overshots, 3 1/2, 4 1/2, 5 1/2, and 6" casing with full assembly of grapples. Rope spears, plus regular spears, 1". 2 1/16, 2 3/8, 2 7/8 and 4 1/2 casing sizes. 3 1/4, 3 3/4, Magnets, and multiple safety clamps. Spears with 1", 2 1/16, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2, 4 1/2, and 6" casing. Flat bottom, tapered, string mills, and carrot mills from 1 1/2 to 6". Full assembly of change over subs for all tools. and Tar blocks. Elevator assortments. LYT elevators, MYT elevators, and 4 1/2 MYT. Bumper subs and bits. Bulldog bailers, and 4 1/2. 5 1/2 Sandline drills with trailer. Washpipe, 3 3/4, 4 3/4, and 6" and three trailers. Phone, 785-737-3641 or 785-737-3274.

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