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2 yr old Heifer pairs

Harper, Kansas
Posted 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,370 Clicks


45 Two year old black white face  heifer pairs with a few solid blacks , they are calving now there and will be calved out and ready to go before selling. AI sired calves to SAT wolverine 916. calves and heifers are fully vaccinated. Heifers have had wormer, clean up poor, pinkeye with blackleg, scour boss, Vira Shield. Calves will have optimizer scour prevention, Inforce 3, pinkeye vaccine, bulls are banded and have had Tetnus, all calves have matching tags with heifer. They have been on a excellent mineral and feeding program. Great body condition and disposition, Hot wire broke 10 plus years of producing heifer pairs, all the work is done.
For any other questions call six two zero 4912144 

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