Cattle Mineral/ Protein Tubs

Ellsworth, Kansas
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Posted 5 days, 13 hours ago
Expires in 1 day, 10 hours
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Double L Feeds  


Make you hay and stocks go further this winter with Roughage Buster Tubs! 



Currently In Stock:


35% Protein Tub with a full mineral package.  Perfect for all classes of cattle as an additional protein source to make use of lower quality forages.

35% with Citristim with a full merinal package.  Perfect for pairs or calves as they are starting to wean. Citristim with help optimizing gut function, gut integrity, and body defense responses, strengthening production. CitriStim provides proven benefits.


60% Protein Tub with full mineral package.   Best bang for you buck with these tubs being an great protein and mineral source with a lower daily consumption.  Perfect for dry cows, stocker calves or heavy bred cows as an additional protein source to have available when they need it. 





Let us help you with all your livestock mineral and protein tub needs.


Give us a call now to discuss available products and Special Pricings


Double L Feeds- Lance 785-320-0718




Also stock protein tubs for cattle, horse, all species.

Mineral for all species. 

Show feed for all species. 

Cubes, Cake, Pellets

Cattle, Cows, Sheep, Goats, Heifers, Pig, Horse, Mare, Foal.  





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