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Miscellaneous Tires

Oakley, Kansas
Posted 9 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
120 Clicks


P235/60R14 BF Goodrich Radial T/A   $130 each (2)

LT215/85R16 Firestone Destination M/T   $145 each (2)

P235/75R17 Firestone Destination A/T   $145  each (2)

LT245/70R17  Firestone Transforce AT2  $160 each (1)

235/60R17 Ironman Radial RB-12  $72 each  (1)

245/70R16 Cooper Discover H/T  $98  each  (1)

P235/70R17 Firestone Destination LE2  $120 each  (1)

245/65R17 General Grabber Arctic  $100 each  (1)


All tires are new!

call: (785) 672-3270

text: (785) 953-7220  for more pictures

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