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Med Ready Pill Dispenser

Ellis, Kansas
Posted 1 month ago
Expires in 0 minutes
303 Clicks


Pill dispenser.  Purchased new for over $200.00 at USave in Hays, KS  Works very well.  Can set for 7 days a week - morning and evening


We at MedReady partnered with a large medical group to field-test our device for 8 months before we finalized the design and features of the MedReady Medication Dispenser. We enlarged our tray to hold more medication, made the tray removable, and most importantly, we added a rechargeable battery pack to safeguard against power outages. This also means MedReady can be used on short trips, eliminating the confusion of a suitcase filled with different pill containers.

The 1700, 1750, and the MR-357’s come standard with the easy to hear buzzer that alerts the patient that it is time to take the medication. For those who have difficulty hearing a buzzer or alarm, there is an optional Red Flashing Light available with the MedReady 1700FL, 1750FL, and the MR-357FL’s that flashes in conjunction with the audible alarm which alerts the patient that it is time to take the medication.

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