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land for sale, 160 and 19 acres, PRICE REDUCED

Holyrood, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 10 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 13 hours
1,762 Clicks


3 miles north of  Holyrood, Kansas.  northwest corner at P ave and 4th road is the 1/4 section,  the 19 acres is 1/2 mile long and south border is ave Q.  The 19 acres has 2 grain bins,  and a pond, all grass...  The 1/4 is 80 grass and 80 tillible, in wheat currently.  There are three ponds on the 80 pasture.    $2700 per acre on the 19 acres.  $2150 per acre on the 160;   would sell all of it together...785-252-3263

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