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Slack adjusting wrenches wheel stud installer

550 3rd St
Bee, Nebraska
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Posted 3 days, 1 hour ago
Expires in 3 days, 22 hours
620 Clicks


Slack adjuster wrenches, wheel stud installer arear axle cone removing pliers

OTC 5/8 and 3/4 inch wheel stud installer 10 dollars each used

Kastar 2 pc. set for rockwell sla slack adjuster wrenchck adjuster 30 dollars used

Kastar 9/16 slack adjuster wrench 25 dollars used

Kastar 7/16 slack adjuster wrench 15 dollars used

OTC 7077 axle stud cone pliers 30 dollars used

65.00 dollars or obo for all   Call or text 308-883-2283


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