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International 660 Diesel Wheatland tractor

Deerfield, Kansas
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Posted 5 days, 23 hours ago
Expires in 1 day
1,278 Clicks


This is a 1960 International 660 Diesel tractor.  It has 23.1X26 rear tires and 7.50X18 front tires.  The tractor has power steering, PTO, a foot clutch, and an adjustable front axle.  There is not a TA in this tractor, some came out that way. It has set in my shed for at leat 25 years. We used it some before that. Has a D282 international 6 cylinder engine that starts and runs good. The tractor serial number is 1770 S-Y and the engine serial number is D282  11116.  This is a very straight tractor.

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