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Vintage lot of Cameras & Equipment- Polaroid, Kodak, Revere,

Leoti, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 23 hours ago
Expires in 5 days
163 Clicks
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Found this lot of vintage Camersa and equipment in a old storage building.

Polaroid Print Copier 240

Keystone AF2

Kodak Brownie Hawkeye

Polaroid Wink Light

Polaroid Onestep Inatant - New in box

Kodak Easyshare CX7300

Kodak VR35

Jazz JDC315

Revere I6 with lenses, magazine and paperwork

Polaroid 900 Land Camera Electic Eye in case with accessories 

Weston Master II 735 Exposure Meter

Sharp Camcorder VL-L62U

$250 cash for the whole lot OBO

You pickup in Leoti

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