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1210 N Washington
Plainville, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 14 hours ago
Expires in 9 hours, 17 minutes
322 Clicks


The Governing Board of Rooks County Health Center (RCH) is accepting resumes and nominations for the position of Administrator/Chief Executive Officer.  The successful candidate must demonstrate a record of accomplishment in leadership, team building, fiscal responsibility, physician relationship-building, community involvement and be a strong communicator.  The candidate must possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree, preferably in Business Administration or Healthcare Administration.  Candidates should also possess five (5) years experience in healthcare administration, preferably in a Critical Access Hospital (CAH).  RCH offers a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits package.  If interested in becoming a part of our dynamic team, please send resumes/CVs to:


Rooks County Health Center
Attn:  Heather Rinehart, HR Director
PO Box 389
Plainville, KS 67663

Email:  heather.rinehart@rch.health       
Website:  www.rookscountyhealthcenter.com
Phone:  785-688-4431
Fax:  785-434-2434

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