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42mt 12V Starters for Cummins, Freightliner, CAT...

Sylvan Grove, Kansas
Posted 1 month ago
Expires in 0 minutes
78 Clicks


I picked up these two 42Mt starters at an estate sale.  They both have 11 pinion teeth and the opening for the pinion gear is parallel to the solenoid.  One shows Wilson part number 91-01-4296; I assume they are the same application.

One looks rebuilt and never installed; it bench tests fine.  $300

The other looks like it's been on a machine before and kind of cuts out when applying 12v through the solenoid.  Motor runs uniterrupted when bypassing solenoid, so I think it needs a new solenoid.  $150

$400 for both.

Call Ty at 78Five-8Two9-1Six9Six

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