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Downs, Kansas
Posted 4 weeks ago
Expires in 0 minutes
181 Clicks


(2) Halves, Bow and Stern.  8' Tall. These 2 halves are an Original Vintage Wooden Canoe.  The manufacturer was located in Maine and built in the 1930's or 1940's.  The manufacturer's name was The Skowhegan Boat and Canoe Company.  Advertisement from that era brag about the White Cedar ribs, long grained Cedar floor planks, Mahogany thwarts,deck and seat frames, and of course it was skinned with the highest quality No. 8 heavy duty canvas and covered with red resin to waterproof the canoe. You can shorten these (2) canoe 8 foot tall sections to your specifications.  The manufacturer's decal is attached to the bow section only.  Craig  785-346-6170

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