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Uranium glass lamp collection

Studley, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 14 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 9 hours
115 Clicks
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Very rare Handy oil lamp set, complete with all four of the colors made. You will not find another set for sale on the internet.  Includes the clear, the cobalt blue, the light blue uranium, and the green uranium glass oil lamps. 7.5" tall with vintage or original chimneys and 3.5" tall aftermarket chimneys. Or 9.5" tall with 5.5" aftermarket chimneys. 5 sets available. No chips or cracks. One set has vintage or original chimneys. The other four sets have after market chimneys. Aftermarket chimneys can be either 3.5" or the 5.5". $500 per set. Will make deal if more than one is purchased. 

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