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We have all the PIVOT PARTS you need!

3405 300th Ave
Saint Edward, Nebraska
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Posted 6 days, 21 hours ago
Expires in 2 hours, 53 minutes
166 Clicks



We have gearboxes for all brands, center drive motors, couplers, drive shaft, Tires, rims, Airless tires, pivot structure, tower boxes, collector rings, micro switches, contactors, pivot panels, pump panels, TReplacement pivot structure, joints, base beams, under ground pipe, all kids and sizes of underground wire, sprinkler packages, drop hose, impacts, etc etc etc! Give me a call and see how much money we can save you. Our prices are about half of what the dealers charge and our warranty is better.

Call me at 308-391-1214 or 806-414-5166


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