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Center Pivot Gearbox-Pallet Special!

3405 300th Ave
Saint Edward, Nebraska
Login to Contact Seller Offline
Posted 6 days, 20 hours ago
Expires in 3 hours, 46 minutes
155 Clicks


We have a pallet quantity Omni gearbox discount!

18 qty 50:1 compatible with Lindsay, Reinke, Pierce, Olson and Lockwood for $6300.00

16 qty 52:1 compatible with Valley pivots $5760.

Works out to $15 off per gearbox, y’all.

$550 flat rate shipping anywhere in the US-or pick up in hart TX or Saint Edward, NE.

5 year warranty on all Omni Gearboxes.

Stop paying $750-$800 per gearbox with a 2 year warranty from the OE dealers.

Call me at 3083911214 or 8064145166

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