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AUCTION! Personal Property

Saint John, Kansas
Posted 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Expires in 0 minutes
578 Clicks


John Koslowsky Personal Property Auction in Butler County, KS: Guns - Ammo - Mahindra Tractor - 3 Pt. Attachments - Misc. Outdoor and Farm Supplies

Date/Time: Saturday, December 14th, 2024 at 2:00pm Central. (Early Preview: 1:00pm)

Location: 2286 SW Adams Rd., Towanda, Kansas 67144 

For Auction information call Scott Myers at 316-323-8308

Mike Niedens: Auctioneer

Any announcements day of sale take precedence over any other advertising material. *Day of sale: cash or check only. No credit or debit cards.*

This personal property auction is part of a larger listing: 88+/- Acres with House, Man-Cave, Garage, and Shooting Range in Butler County, Ks. Open house will be on the same day as auction: 12/14/24 at 10:00am CST. To view full details about this property visit www.RedCedarLand.com


Tractor :2012 Mahindra 5010 w/ 150 loader diesel MFD 3 pt. 540 PTO and 1 hydraulic remote 

3PT Attachments: Middle Buster Sweep, 3pt weight box for tractor, 3pt 5’ box blade, 3pt Hi-Co Howse implement blade, 3pt auger with 6 and 12” augers, 2 bottom plow, 3pt 5’ cutter, 48” pallet forks w/skid steer attachment 

Trailer: 3x10 single axle utility trailer with sides 2” ball 

1.)303 British Infield w/ Nikon Prostaff Scope 
2.)Remington Model 700  243 Win w/ Burris Scope 
3.)Stoger 20 ga. 3” 
4.)Benelli Nova 12 ga. 2 2/4 – 3 ½” pump Realtree Camo 
5.)Marlin Model 336 30/30 Winmag w/micro groove barrel 
6.)Beretta 12 ga. 28” 3 ½ with 3 chokes 
7.)Baikal Russia EAA Corp 28 ga 2 ¾ 
8.)Remington 11-87 2 ¾ -3” with 3 chokes 
9.)Smith & Wesson Model 422 .22 Long Rifle W/1 mag 
10.)Ruger Mark IV 22L  22/45 W shake awake red dot and 4 mags 
11.)Uberti Colt 45 ACP and .45 Lonc Colt cylinder's W/ Fast draw rig.
12.) Ruger .22 Cal Single Six with fast draw rig and extra cylinder 
13.)Colt M1911 A1 Series 80 7 Mags 
14.)Taurus 22L 6 mags 
15.) Smith & Wesson M&P 45 Shield 5 Mags 

1,000 rounds 45 Long Colt 
140 rounds 303 
850 rounds 22 mag 
500 rounds 30/30 
300 rounds 243 
370 rounds 410 Defender and Double Ott 

Other Misc. Outdoor and Farm Supplies 

Offered by Red Cedar Land Co., 2 NE 10th Ave, St. John, KS 67576

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