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Account Payable Clerk

Oakley, Kansas
Posted 1 week, 6 days ago
Expires in 0 minutes
156 Clicks
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The City of Oakley is accepting application for an Accounts Payable Clerk. This is a full-time position with a great benefit package, which includes: KPERS retirement, paid full family health insurance, dental, sick leave, holiday pay, and vacation. Successful applicant will be required to process invoices, date entry, issuing purchse orders, issuing checks, and preparing supporting reports and documentation, and other tasks as assigned. Candidate should possess excellent communications, organizational, bookkeeping, and public relation skills.

SALARY: Starting salary is negotiable depending on qualifications and experience.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Must be a United States Citizen, 18 years old by the time of hire, High School diploma or GED is required. A valid Kansas driver's license is required.

Please submit applications or refer questions to:

 City of Oakley
 ATTN: City Administrator
 415 W. 2nd St. PO Box 287
 Oakley, KS 67748
 (785) 671-3611

Applications can be found on Discoveroakley.com or at the City Office

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