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Pre-Order Special on Pivot tire Assemblies!

3405 300th Ave
Saint Edward, Nebraska
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Posted 4 days, 18 hours ago
Expires in 2 days, 5 hours
93 Clicks


Hey Y'all,

Direct Pivot parts in Hart is offering our yearly Tire Assembly Pre-order special.

Order now and the containers will be in in February and March.

These are a brand new Irritire 8 ply tires, with a new tube and new rim-ready to bolt on.

Delivery is available when they arrive.

11.2-38's $569ea

11.2-24's $469ea

14.9-24's $355ea

Call me on my cell at 3083911214 contact info to get your order in now.

I'm located at 602 Broadway in Hart, TX.

The office number is 8064145166


BTW, I commute to Amarillo from Hart everyday, so can meet up for parts pick ups or drop off anywhere along the way. I can meet in Amarillo as well.

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