Pawnee County Irrigated Land for Sale!

Sanford, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 21 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 2 hours
324 Clicks


Land For Sale!

Irrigated cropland with Netafim Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation (SDI) on 60" centers with 30HP Electric Motor, Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), and Sand Media Filter System. SDI system was installed in 2014. The irrigation well was reworked in 2023. Water Right File # 15806 authorizes 117 Acre-Feet (AF) at 755 gallons per minute and is currently enrolled in the Central Kansas Water Bank.

Property Location:

From the intersection of Hwy 183 & Hwy 156, 2 miles south on Hwy 183, 2 miles east on "L" Rd, and 1/2 mile south on 210th Ave.

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