Pure bred, 4 females 1 male.
Father is Black, Mother is Lilac Dilute; only the mother has her papers officially due to loss of contact with the breeder the male comes from, though he is pure bred.
3 Puppies (2 F / 1M) are Isabella Dilute
2 Puppies (2 F) are Black.
1 Isabella female, and 1 black female, have undergone "Entropian surgery" to fix their eyes so they may see properly, the other 3 as of right now appear fine!
Taking reservations for sale, optimally around 7-9 weeks of age (negotiable), at time of posting, Puppies are 3 1/2 weeks.
At time of posting the puppies are undergoing potty training with positive results thus far, and are eating solid food while undergoing weaning.
More videos and pictures can be provided upon request.
$2000.00 OBO
Owner: Beau / Cellphone: 620-214-1902