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Hedge and mixed firewood

Galva, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 3 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 20 hours
6,493 Clicks
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Seasoned for more then a year hedge and non-hedge wood.  Fill your pickup or trailer for only $1.50 /cubic foot.  Don't get caught short of firewood next winter. You can either cut it to length at my place or I can load trailers and you can cut it at a later time.   This wood has the brush taken off of it and ranges in diameter size so you can cut only the size you want. I also have plenty of non-hedge wood to be burned in fire places, pits/chimenas Call to schedule an appointment time.

$1.50 /cubic foot pickup/trailer load
For firewood measurement this is $192 per cord of wood (CHEAP!)


I also have some firewood cut to length ready to burn.  Call for pricing. 

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