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Mature Hereford Bulls

Goodland, Kansas
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
425 Clicks


KB L1 Domino 456B ET - This is a four year old Line One Horned herd bull that we bought from Baker Herefords in South Dakota.  He is a big footed, easy keeping, deep ribbed bull that produces really good uddered females. He is pictured both as a four year old and a two year old in the ad. $3,500

Coon Domino 619D - A really well made stout bull that is smaller framed. He is a young two-year old bulls that excels in his phenotype.  619 is a scurred bull that is ultra thick, deep ribbed, and fully pigmented. $2,500

Both bulls will be given a full breeding soundness examination, and trich test upon purchase. They carry a full breeding guarantee for a 90 day turn out period.

Brian Coon
Coon Herefords
Goodland, KS

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