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Need your house or business cleaned?

Hays, Kansas
Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
123 Clicks
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Schools back in session..between getting back in the school routine, work, shopping, dinner, and bedtime battles is there anytime left for cleaning? Would you like to come home and have the house clean?!
I can help! I have several professional references and am very detailed and organized! I am a trusted key holder for businesses that i clean so very trustworthy as well!
I will sweep, mop, dust, vacuum, pick up, make beds..throw in a load of laundry, deep clean kitchens and bathrooms.
I charge $15/hr and you provide supplies..(everyone has different allergies, prized possessions, etc so i prefer to use what you feel comfortable in your home)
Feel free to message me on here, text, or call to set up your cleaning!

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