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Seeking Commercial Mowing/Lawn Care Contractor - Wilson Lake

Sylvan Grove, Kansas
Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
232 Clicks


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Wilson Lake, KS will be advertising for 2 park mowing contracts.

-The small contract is approximately 45 acres that takes 3 machines a full day to complete.  Previous bid was $11,150 for 12 mowings each summer. 

-The large contract is approx 163 acres that takes 3 machines approx 2-3 full days to mow.  Previous bid was $46,800 for 12 mowings each summer. 

Serious, full time, commercial mowing contractors should contact or 816-389-3034 to schedule a site visit.  Contractors will be required to become federally registered vendors and fully insured. 

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