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WTB Shiba Inu puppy/young male

Hays, Kansas
Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
324 Clicks


Looking for a puppy, or young, male Shiba Inu, any color.  Our 16 yr. old died last year and at that time my daughters didn't want to get a replacement for him, saying that "no puppy could replace him"... 

But now, since they will both be going to college and will be in a house where pets are allowed they have decided that it would be nice to have a dog...

So, if you have a young, preferrably housebroke male (they didn't want to try training a puppy in someone elses house since accidents are bound to occur and the owners just put in new carpet... but figuted I could train it here at home then they could take it to their place)... or a puppy Shiba Inu please let us know.











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