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Pivot Driveline Couplers

3405 300th Ave
Saint Edward, Nebraska
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Posted 6 days, 18 hours ago
Expires in 5 hours, 10 minutes
63 Clicks


Y’all, we have driveline couplers for every taste! We have the universal fit UMCCX couplers for $24 each ($22 each if you buy 2 cases or more).

We have the Universal fit BLACKMAX heavy duty driveline couplers for $22 each. Has a flexible composite disc instead of the puck.

We have the XCAD heavy duty Universal U joint couplers for $22.20 each-also utilizes a flexible composite disc instead of a puck.

And last but not least we have the standard OE style 3/4 or 7/8 shaft UMC couplers for $15.50 each. Just specify the size you need when you order.

Call me at 3083911214 or 8064145166 or come and see me at Direct Pivot Parts in Hart, TX. I can ship to your door also!

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