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WaKeeney Housing Authority/Keeney Village

WaKeeney, Kansas
Posted 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Expires in 0 minutes
8,554 Clicks


WaKeeney Housing Authority A/K/A Keeney Village

Located on 1212 Barclay Avenue  in WaKeeney, Kansas

Accepting applications for a one and a two bedroom apartments

Must be 62 years of age or older   OR  Disabled regardless of age

Equal Housing Opportunity Provider and Employer True 3 (``````````` (``````````` 0 905480 697230 True 3 (``````````` (``````````` 0 905480 697230 True 3 (``````````` (``````````` 0 905480 697230

Rent is based on income

Fun & Friendly Neighbors - Ground level - Front porches

Security cameras on the grounds - Maintenance free - Cheerful atmosphere

Call the office Monday through Friday 8 am to 12:00 pm

785-743-5444 Or TRS Dial 711


True 3 (``````````` (``````````` 0 905480 697230

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